
mercoledì, aprile 01, 2015

git useful commands

################ git commands  ################

$ git config --global user.name "Enrico Giurin"
$ git init --> creates local repo  /users/enrico/store/.git
$ git add xxx
$ git commit -m ".." .
$ git status
$ git add --all .

branch: master
$ git add --all
creates snapshot
$ git log

$ git diff
$ git reset
$ git reset --hard - undo local changes since that revision
$ git checkout --   (blow way all changes since last commit)
$ git commit -a -m "xxx"  add & commit
$ git reset --soft HEAD               undo last commit
$ git commit --amend -m "..."         changed the last commit
$ git reset --hard HEAD^   undo last commit and all changes
$ git reset --hard HEAD^^  undo last 2 commits and all changes
$ git push
$ git pull
- origin: name of the remote repository
$ git remote add origin https.//github.com/egch/xxx
$ git remote -v
$ git push -u origin master  (origin: remote / master: local)

$ git clone
$ git clone yourName
$ git remote -v
$ git branch   (cat)
$ git checkout cat
$ git checkout master
$ git merge cat
$ git branch -d cat (removing branch cat)
$ git checkout -b admin (switch and create a new branch)
--> go back to master
$ git checkout master
(fix something in the master and now we merge the admin)
$ git merge admin
vi editor
git log ( a message log related to the merge)

$ git pull  (fetch)

$ git push
$ git commit -a -m "merged"(after merge)

<<<<< my version
>>>>> their version

$ git checkout -b shopping_cart
$ git push origin shopping_cart
$ git push
[jane] $ git pull
$ git branch
$ git branch -r (remote branches)
$ git checkout shopping_cart
$ git remote show origin
$ git push origin :shopping_cart (to delete the remote branch)
$ git branch -d shopping_cart (trying to delete local branch)
$ git branch -D shopping_cart (force to delete local branch)
$ git remote prune origin (to cleanup delete remote branches)
$ git tag (list all tags)
$ git checkout v0.0.1  (checkout code at commit)
$ git tag -a v0.0.3 -m "version" (to create a new tag)
$ git push --tags (to push the tags)

$ git log
$ git config --global color.ui true
$ git log --pretty=oneline
$ gitl log --pretty=format: "%h %ad- %s [%an]"
(ad=author date, an=author name,h=SSH hash, s=subject,d=ref names)
$ git log --online -p
$ git log --online --stat
$ git log --online --graph
$ git log --since=2000-02-02 --until=2003-10-10
$ git diff
$ git diff HEAD~5  (5 commits ago)
$ git diff master bird
$ git diff --since=1.month.ago --until=2.minutes.ago
$ git blame list.html --date short
.git/info/exlude : to esclude some files from commit
pattern: logs/*.log
.gitignore  (logs/*.log)
$ git rm README.txt
$ git rm --cached mylog.log
$ git config --global core.editor notepad++
$ git config --global alias.mylog "log --pretty=format:'%h %s [%an]' --graph"
$ git myLog

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